Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: How to troubleshoot ecu controlled systems

Toyota Highlander Service Manual / Introduction / How to troubleshoot ecu controlled systems

Vehicle lift and support locations
1. NOTICE ABOUT VEHICLE CONDITION WHEN JACKING UP THE VEHICLE  The vehicle must be unloaded before jacking up the vehicle. Never jack up/lift up a heavily loaded vehicle.  When remo ...

General information
A large number of ECU controlled systems are used in the HIGHLANDER. In general, ECU controlled systems are considered to be very intricate, requiring a high level of technical knowledge to troub ...

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Si la sangle diagonale est proche du cou d’une personne, utilisez le guide de confort de la ceinture de sécurité. Sortez le guide de confort de sa poche. Glissez la ceinture dans la fente du guide. Le cordon élastique doit être derrière la c ...

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