Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: Starter ASSY (3MZ-FE)



Starting system (3MZ-FE)
INSPECTION 1. INSPECT STARTER ASSY NOTICE: These tests must be performed within 3 to 5 seconds to avoid burning out the coil. (a) Do the pull-in test.  Disconnect the lead wire from ...

NOTICE: Before changing the starter, check the following again: Connector connection Accessory installation 1. REMOVE BATTERY 2. REMOVE BATTERY TRAY 3. REMOVE STARTER ASSY (a) Disconn ...

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Speed sensor (U151E/U151F)
REPLACEMENT 1. REMOVE BATTERY 2. REMOVE AIR CLEANER ASSY 3. REMOVE AIR CLEANER HOSE NO.1 4. REMOVE SPEED SENSOR (NT SENSOR) (a) Disconnect the speed sensor connector. (b) Remove the bolt and speed sensor. 5. REMOVE SPEED SENSOR (NC SENSOR) (a) Disconnect the speed sensor connector. ...

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