Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: Drive shaft / propeller shaft

Toyota Highlander Service Manual / Drive shaft / propeller shaft

Differential carrier ASSY rear (4WD)
OVERHAUL HINT: Differential components (see page 29-3 ) Rear drive shaft components (see page 30-45 ) 1. REMOVE REAR WHEEL 2. REMOVE PROPELLER W/CENTER BEARING SHAFT ASSY (SEE PAGE 30-12 ) ...

Drive shaft, propeller shaft, axle
PRECAUTION 1. NOTICE OF REMOVING AND INSTALLING FRONT DRIVE SHAFT ASSY RH (a) When removing and installing the front drive shaft assy RH in a 4WD vehicle, be sure to first drain all the transaxle ...

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Audio system types
Entune audio   entune audio plus/entune premium audio with navigation Owners of models equipped with a navigation system should refer to the "navigation and multimedia system owner's manual". Using cellular phones Interference may be heard through the audio system's speak ...

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