Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: Communication system

Toyota Highlander Service Manual / Communication system

Window glass (antenna wire)
REPAIR 1. INSPECT WINDOW GLASS (ANTENNA WIRE) NOTICE: When cleaning the glass, use a soft, dry cloth, and wipe the glass in the direction of the wire. Take care not to damage the wires. Do no ...

Horn system
LOCATION INSPECTION 1. INSPECT RELAY (HORN) (a) Remove the HORN relay from the engine room J/B. (b) Measure the HORN relay resistance. Standard: 2. INSPECT HIGH PITCHED HORN ASSY ...

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1. REMOVE V BELT (See page 14-5 ) 2. REMOVE GENERATOR ASSY (a) Remove the bolt, and disconnect the wire clip on the wire connectors from the generator. (b) Disconnect the wire clamp from the wire clip. (c) Remove the cap and nut, and disconnect the generator wire. (d) Disconnect the gener ...

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