Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Owners Manual: Trailer towing

Your vehicle is designed primarily as a passenger-and-load-carrying vehicle. Towing a trailer can have an adverse impact on handling, performance, braking, durability, and fuel consumption.

For your safety and the safety of others, you must not overload your vehicle or trailer. You must also ensure that you are using appropriate towing equipment, that the towing equipment has been installed correctly and used properly, and that you employ the requisite driving habits.

Vehicle-trailer stability and braking performance are affected by trailer stability, brake performance and setting, trailer brakes, the hitch and hitch systems (if equipped).

To tow a trailer safely, use extreme care and drive the vehicle in accordance with your trailer’s characteristics and operating conditions.

Toyota warranties do not apply to damage or malfunction caused by towing a trailer for commercial purposes.

Contact your toyota dealer for further information about additional requirements such as a towing kit, etc.

Vehicle load limits
Vehicle load limits include total load capacity, seating capacity, twr (trailer weight rating) and cargo capacity. Total load capacity (vehicle capacity weight): Total load capacity means the combi ...

Towing related terms
Gcwr (gross combination weight rating) The maximum allowable gross combination weight. The gross combination weight is the sum of the total vehicle weight (including the occupants, cargo and any ...

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