Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Owners Manual: The keys

The following keys are provided with the vehicle.

  1. master keys operating the wireless remote control function
  2. Valet key
  3. key number plate

Toyota Highlander. The keys

  1. electronic keys
  1. Mechanical keys
  2. Key number plate

Toyota Highlander. The keys

Key information

Wireless remote control
Vehicles without a smart key system Locks the doors Unlocks the doors Opens the windows and moon roof* Sounds the alarm Opens and closes the power back door (if equipped) &n ...

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REPLACEMENT 1. REMOVE ACCELERATOR PEDAL ROD ASSY (a) Disconnect the accelerator pedal position sensor connector. (b) Remove the 2 bolts and pedal rod. 2. INSTALL ACCELERATOR PEDAL ROD ASSY (a) Install the pedal rod with the 2 bolts. Torque: 4.9 NVm (50 kgfVcm, 43 in.Vlbf) (b) Connect th ...

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