Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Service Manual: Front passenger airbag ASSY



Spiral cable sub-ASSY
REPLACEMENT HINT: COMPONENTS: See page 60-16 . Installation is in the reverse order of removal. 1. PRECAUTION (SEE PAGE 60-1 ) 2. DISCONNECT BATTERY NEGATIVE TERMINAL (SEE PAGE 60-1 ) 3. P ...

HINT: Installation is in the reverse order of removal. 1. PRECAUTION (SEE PAGE 60-1 ) 2. DISCONNECT BATTERY NEGATIVE TERMINAL (SEE PAGE 60-1 ) 3. REMOVE GLOVE COMPARTMENT DOOR ASSY (SEE PAGE 71-10 ...

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Oil W/hose cooler ASSY (U241E/U140F)
REPLACEMENT 1. REMOVE RADIATOR GRILLE (See page 76-2 ) 2. REMOVE FRONT BUMPER COVER (See page 76-2 ) 3. SEPARATE OIL COOLER OUTLET TUBE NO.1 (a) Loosen the clip and separate the oil cooler hose. 4. SEPARATE TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER HOSE NO.1 (a) Loosen the clip and separate the transmission oil ...

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