Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Owners Manual: Driving tips

The rear cross traffic alert function detection areas
The areas that vehicles can be detected in are outlined below. To give the driver a more consistent time to react, the buzzer can alert for faster vehicles from farther away. Example: Th ...

Winter driving tips
Carry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving the vehicle in winter. Always drive the vehicle in a manner appropriate to the prevailing weather conditions. Preparation for win ...

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Rear drive shaft (4WD)
OVERHAUL HINT: COMPONENTS: SEE PAGE 30-4 Overhaul the RH side using the same procedures as for the LH side. 1. REMOVE REAR WHEEL 2. SEPARATE SPEED SENSOR REAR LH (a) Remove the bolt and the speed sensor from the axle carrier. NOTICE: Be careful not to damage the speed sensor. Prevent fo ...

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