Toyota Highlander manuals

Toyota Highlander Owners Manual: Driving in vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode

This mode employs a radar sensor to detect the presence of vehicles up to approximately 400 ft. (120 M) ahead, determines the current vehicle-to-vehicle following distance, and operates to maintain a suitable following distance from the vehicle ahead.

Note that vehicle-to-vehicle distance will close in when traveling on long downhill slopes.

Toyota Highlander. Driving in vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode

  1. Example of constant speed cruising when there are no vehicles ahead

The vehicle travels at the speed set by the driver. The desired vehicle-tovehicle distance can also be set by operating the vehicle-to-vehicle distance control.

  1. Example of deceleration cruising when the vehicle ahead is driving slower than the set speed

When a vehicle is detected running ahead of you, the system automatically decelerates your vehicle. When a greater reduction in vehicle speed is necessary, the system applies the brakes. A warning tone warns you when the system cannot decelerate sufficiently to prevent your vehicle from closing in on the vehicle ahead.

  1. Example of follow-up cruising when following a vehicle driving slower than the set speed

The system continues follow-up cruising while adjusting for changes in the speed of the vehicle ahead in order to maintain the vehicle-to-vehicle distance set by the driver.

  1. Example of acceleration when there are no longer any vehicles ahead driving slower than the set speed

The system accelerates until the set speed is reached. The system then returns to constant speed cruising.

Canceling and resuming the speed control
Pulling the lever toward you cancels the cruise control. The speed setting is also canceled when the brakes are applied. Pushing the lever up resumes the cruise control and returns vehi ...

Approach warning
When your vehicle is too close to a vehicle ahead, and sufficient automatic deceleration via the cruise control is not possible, the display will flash and the buzzer will sound to alert the driver. ...

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